Amy Bigham: Clinical Associate Professor | Coordinator, Master's Entry into Profession Nursing

MEPN Coordinator, Clinical Associate Professor

  • (205) 348- 3416
  • (205) 348-5559


  • DNP, Doctorate of Nursing Practice, The University of South Alabama, 2010
  • MSN, Masters of Science in Nursing, The Mississippi University for Women, 1999
  • BS, Bachelor Science in Nursing, The University of Alabama, 1994


Dr. Amy Bigham received her BSN from the Capstone College of Nursing at the University of Alabama in 1994. She worked as a nurse in the Emergency Department at DCH Regional Medical Center for several years, then later served as the Education Coordinator. She received her MSN as a Family Nurse Nurse Practitioner from the Mississippi University for Women in August of 1999 and became board certified through ANCC in November of 1999. Dr. Bigham has worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner in Occupational Health, Rural Primary Care, Home-Based Care, and Emergency Medicine.

From 2005 until 2012, Dr. Bigham was a faculty member in the Undergraduate Program at the Capstone College of Nursing, supporting the education of the students in both the classroom and in the clinical setting. In May of 2010, she received her DNP from the University of South Alabama, with a DNP project that focused on screening, identification, and treatment of children with Type 2 Diabetes. In 2012, Dr. Bigham began teaching in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program at the Moffett and Sanders School of Nursing. In 2018, she developed the school’s Emergency Nurse Practitioner MSN and DNP programs, and served as the track coordinator. As a tenured professor, she later transitioned to the position of track coordinator for the school’s family nurse practitioner program. She has maintained a faculty practice throughout her tenure in academe, serving as a front-line care provider during the Covid -19 pandemic.

Following the pandemic, Dr. Bigham felt a call to return to pre-licensure nursing education and returned to the Capstone as the coordinator of the Master’s Entry into Professional Nursing program. She maintains a clinical faculty practice at the DCH Regional Medical Center Emergency Department as a nurse practitioner. Dr. Bigham’s research and clinical interests have focused on process improvement, functional medicine, and emergency medicine.  Her publications, presentations, and work in these areas demonstrate her expertise and passion for these areas of healthcare. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International. She resides in Northport.

Honors and Awards

  • Grant Administrator Award; Moffett and Sanders School of Nursing, 2023
  • Lamplighter Award: Alabama League for Nursing, 2017
  • Outstanding Nurse Practitioner Educator Award: Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama, 2017
  • Clinical Poster Award: Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama, 2013
  • Excellence in Teaching Award: Alabama League for Nursing, 2007

Areas of Interest

  • Rural Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Health Promotion and Wellness
  • Clinical Practice

Scholarly Highlights

  • Peer-Reviewed Publication: A Case Study of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Advanced Emergency Nurse Journal. Accepted for publication, Spring 2025.
  • Podium Presentation: High Sensitivity Troponin Use in the Emergency Department. EmergNP Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. March, 2024
  • Podium Presentation: Identification and Treatment of Plasmodium Illness in the Emergency Department. EmergNP Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. March, 2024.
  • Podium Presentation: Bridging the Gap: From Family NP to Emergency NP. 2018 ACEP Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
  • Peer-Reviewed Publication: A Longitudinal Online Interprofessional Education Experience Involving Family Nurse Practitioner Students and Pharmacy Students. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(2), 218-225.