Office of Nursing Research and Translational Science Events

For upcoming OSP Special Topic Workshops and networking events, please click here.
Recent Scholarship Showcases
There are several internal and external training opportunities for faculty and new researchers:
The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) offers a variety of training courses which can be found by clicking on the links below.
NINR Training website
Developing Nurse Scientists Online Course (free)
In addition, the University of Alabama Office of Sponsored Programs offers regular training sessions on topics like PIVOT, Sponsored Programs Overview and IRB protocol submission. For dates and times, please follow the link below, log in to your Skillport account or look at the latest “UA news” newsletter.
OSP Faculty Development and Education
CITI training for investigators and all research personnel can be found through your myBama account. Login to your myBama account, click on the “Research” tab. Then in the lower left corner under “Training” you will find the link to the “CITI Program”.
Individual or group training in all aspects regarding grant management can be arranged. Please contact our office to set up a training or workshop.
The University of Alabama Research News Listserve updates about important research related information directly to interested faculty and staff. To sign up for the listserv, please click on this link and follow the instructions.