Capstone College of Nursing – The University of Alabama Homepage

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Welcome to the Capstone College of Nursing

Recognized as a national innovator in clinical simulation in nursing education, utilizing simulators and telehealth technology in teaching, research and health care delivery. We partner with a variety of well-respected health care facilities to provide clinical experiences that ease the transition into the working world and prepare graduates for challenges after school.


The BSN program offers the pursuit of a Bachelor in Science of Nursing degree. This curriculum consists of lower division core curriculum courses & upper division nursing courses. SEE MORE INFO HERE….


Upper division consists of 5 semesters of nursing courses, including theory & clinical lab components. Students will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.


The RN Mobility program is specifically designed for the registered nurse student to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a convenient online format. SEE MORE INFO HERE….


The RN to BSN/MSN option allows students to complete both a BSN & an MSN in just 2 years of study.


Our graduate degree programs prepare qualified and caring nurses to face the challenges of the future in nursing via multiple Masters concentrations and three PhD programs. SEE MORE INFO HERE….


These degree paths provide opportunities for nurses to obtain the advanced knowledge & skills required to become leaders in their specialty areas.


The Office of Scholarly Affairs promotes the health & well-being of the people of the State of Alabama, the nation, & the world through nursing education, research, scholarship, & service. SEE MORE INFO HERE….


We promote the health & well-being of the people of Alabama, the nation, & the world through nursing education, research, scholarship, & service.

CCN Careers

We’re looking for excited & innovative Faculty and Staff. Join us for a stimulating work environment and a great quality of life. SEE MORE INFO HERE….

CCN Careers

We’re growing in enrollment & facilities & we need more nursing faculty & staff at all levels.

NCLEX Pass rate
Degrees Awarded
Undergrad & Grad, Academic Year 2023-2024
Research Funding
Active Extramural Funding

Our Programs

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

The Capstone College of Nursing (CCN) at The University of Alabama offers students the unique opportunity to participate in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program. The Capstone College of Nursing is committed to providing accessible educational options for prospective nursing students. The BSN curriculum plan consists of lower and upper division courses. In addition, a variety of nursing elective courses, including opportunities for independent study are offered at different times throughout the curriculum.  From the start the lower division, students are considered members of the Capstone College of Nursing community and are mentored by nursing faculty and academic advisors. During the first four semesters in the lower division, CCN students take required core curriculum courses. Once completed, students must take a TEAS assessment test as well as meet the GPA requirements for Upper Division Promotion. Preference is given to students who have earned thirty-two hours at The University of Alabama as well as for students who are currently residents in the state of Alabama. Once promoted, the upper division consists of five semesters of nursing courses that make up the professional component of the curriculum, these courses include theory and clinical lab components. Upper division courses focus on providing students with essential knowledge and skills to provide care to persons in a variety of health care settings.

Our nursing courses are designed to build on preceding semesters, foster the development of critical thinking and progressively independent decision-making, and provide collaborative opportunities for students with other health care providers. Students experience individualized attention from instructors in classes, labs, and clinical settings by using networked computers, multi-media classrooms, human patient simulators, and utilizing the clinical practice lab housed in the Capstone College of Nursing building. Leaders in health care have long recognized the BSN program at The University of Alabama as graduates with a strong academic background and a well-rounded clinical experience. Students will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in nursing as well as the experiences provided through The Capstone College of Nursing. CCN alumni are actively recruited by health care agencies in Alabama and across the nation. Students use knowledge gained in the classroom and other methods of learning as they provide nursing care to individuals, families and groups in a variety of health care settings.

RN to BSN or RN to BSN/MSN

female nurse in scrubs lookin at camera

The RN Mobility program is specifically designed for the registered nurse student to further their education. The RN to BSN option allows registered nurses the opportunity to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a convenient online format. Both general education courses and nursing courses are offered online. The RN to BSN/MSN option allows students to complete both a BSN and an MSN in just two years of study saving time and money. The University of Alabama is proud to offer you a way to pursue your degree without completely disrupting your personal and professional life.

Masters Entry into the Profession of Nursing (MEPN)

The Masters Entry into the Profession of Nursing (MEPN) program incorporates the AACN Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education while preparing students with a bachelor’s degree in any area outside of nursing to become entry-level professional nurses. Graduates of this rigorous MEPN program earn a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree and are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Our graduate-level accelerated program covers the foundation of nursing practice as well as advanced nursing concepts. Through didactic and clinical coursework held face to face and online at the Capstone College of Nursing and in the local area, students achieve the ability to utilize and practice evidence-based delivery, evaluation, and improvement of healthcare for individuals and populations. The MEPN is a 5-semester on-campus program.

group of nurse practitioner students in white coats standing on the steps of the CCN building

Nurse Practitioner (NP)

Nurse Practitioners are health promotion and disease prevention experts who manage and diagnose common acute and chronic illnesses. Nurse Practitioners provide quality, safe, cost-effective care. Nurse Practitioners teach and counsel individuals, families, and groups according to their practice specialty. The Capstone College of Nursing (CCN) offers Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) and Dual FNP-PMHNP specialization tracks. The FNP tack prepares students for certification as an FNP, and the PMHNP track prepares students for certification as a PMHNP – across the lifespan. The Dual specialization track prepares students to sit for both certification exams. Students complete coursework online and attend an on-campus orientation and a virtual clinical intensive during their program of study.

group of nurse practitioner students in white coats standing on the steps of the CCN building

Nurse Executive ( Formerly Nurse Administrator) (NE)

two ladies and man discuss health items

Nursing executive (NE) covers a diverse field of formal leadership from those who supervise individual units within a medical facility as front-line managers to higher-level nurse administrators and executives who oversee nursing operations for an entire hospital or healthcare organization. The Capstone College of Nursing (CCN) offers the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a Nurse Executive (NE) concentration that incorporates the AACN Essentials and the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies to provide a comprehensive educational experience for the student. The NE program has a significant clinical/administrative component to support learning objectives. Overall, the program focuses on navigating the complexities of the American healthcare system, the challenges of personnel management, quality improvement, budgeting, and other resources in healthcare organizations, as well as professional political advocacy for nursing and quality patient care. The MSN program of study for NE is offered as both full-time and part-time programs of study.  

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

The DNP is a practice doctorate in nursing which prepares graduates to function at the highest level of nursing practice. Graduates of the DNP program focus on providing care with an emphasis on improving quality and access to underserved and diverse populations. Two pathways to the DNP degree are available, the post-master’s to DNP (MSN to DNP) and the post-baccalaureate to DNP (BSN to DNP).  The Post-masters pathway admits MSN-prepared nurses or BSN-prepared nurses who hold a Master’s in another relevant field.  Those with Master’s in a field other than Nursing may be required to complete additional courses.  The post-baccalaureate pathway admits BSN-prepared nurses.  The MSN degree will be awarded in route, at the start of the DNP project courses. The following MSN concentrations are available: Nurse Administrator, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), or dual Psychiatric Mental Health and Family Nurse Practitioner.  The BSN to DNP pathway for Nurse Practitioner concentrations is currently available to Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia residents only. All courses are offered in a distance accessible format with one on-campus intensive conference attended during the DNP project courses. This program requires a clinical component (post baccalaureate clinical hours range from 1080-1620 (as of fall 2019) depending on the concentration; post-master’s clinical hours are 540.  

female doctor with clipboard

Doctorate of Education (EdD) for Nurse Educators

Black female doctor at work in an office, looking to camera

The UA College of Education and the Capstone College of Nursing offer a Doctorate in Education (EdD) in Instructional Leadership for Nurse Educators. Graduates are prepared to teach nursing in community or four-year colleges and universities in their area of expertise. In this program, nurses that have an MSN degree enter the program to earn a Doctorate in Education (EdD) for Nurse Educators. Coursework for this distance learning program can be completed in three years through a blended format of online courses and one on-campus meeting in the fall and spring semesters. A cohort-design is used, therefore, only full-time programs of study are available.

Joint Nursing Science PhD

University 0f Alabama and University of Alabama at Huntsville logos

The Joint Nursing Science Ph.D. program prepares nurse scholars who will advance nursing science by generating new knowledge through Interprofessional research initiatives and to improve the health of rural and medically underserved populations. This program provides students with faculty and educational resources housed on both The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and The University of Alabama (UA) campuses. Two pathways to the PhD degree are available, the post-master’s to PhD (MSN to PhD) and the post-baccalaureate to PhD (BSN to PhD). All courses are offered in a distance accessible format with one on-campus intensive conference attended each year. The PhD program is offered as both full-time and part-time programs of study.  

Nurse Practitioner Certificate Programs

The Post-graduate Certificate program enrolls nurses who are already prepared at either the master’s or doctorate level for other roles. Two concentrations are available, the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) or Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). The FNP concentration prepares students for certification as an FNP, and the PMHNP concentration prepares students for certification as a PMHNP – across the lifespan. Students in the Post-graduate Certificate program will complete NP population-focused courses, but they will not be required to complete master’s graduate nursing core courses if they were completed in a prior master’s or doctorate program with a grade of B or better and are approved by the UA Graduate Schools for transfer. Direct care core courses (e.g., advanced pathophysiology, advanced physical assessment, advanced pharmacology) may be transferable if completed with a B or better within 5 years of application.

Close up view of two professional nurses with eyeglasses checking the patient papers in a doctors office.


Dean’s Message

Welcome to the Capstone College of Nursing at the University of Alabama! We are excited that you are interested in nursing and our college. Nursing offers many opportunities to serve others and assist patients, families and communities to be healthy. At our college, we provide a stimulating environment in which to learn and use the latest technologies and teaching strategies. Our innovative courses of study prepare nursing students at the baccalaureate, masters and doctoral levels.
Let us help you find your place in the ever-changing health care world.

Julie Sanford, DNS, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Angelyn Adams Giambalvo Dean and Professor

Dr. Julie Sanford Headshot