The RN Mobility program is specifically designed for the registered nurse student to further their education. The RN to BSN option allows registered nurses the opportunity to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a convenient online format. Both general education courses and nursing courses are offered online. The RN to BSN/MSN Nurse Executive (formerly Nurse Administrator)(NE) concentration allows students to complete both a BSN and an MSN with a Nurse Executive concentration in just two years of study saving time and money. The University of Alabama is proud to offer you a way to pursue your degree without completely disrupting your personal and professional life.
Prerequisite Courses
Many of the prerequisites can be completed in settings other than the traditional classroom. Some of the classes are available online through the University of Alabama Online. Most of the prerequisite courses are available at your local community college. To meet UA graduation requirements, students must earn 30 credit hours through instruction offered by UA. This includes the required 25 BSN credit hours offered by UA for the RN to BSN program. Your advisor can assist you in identifying five additional UA credit hours that will meet this requirement.
*All students are required to complete either a six-hour history or literature sequence. Students must also complete three hours in the area outside of their sequence (e.g., a student completing HY 101 and 102 must take a Literature course to satisfy degree requirements). If a student elects to complete two history courses, s/he must complete at least one additional HU/FA course to fulfill UA core requirements.
Prerequisites for Second Degree Students
The Capstone College of Nursing welcomes students with a baccalaureate degree in another field to pursue a bachelor of science in nursing degree or a master’s of science in nursing degree.
Program of Study
The RN Mobility program offers two different online degree options to students. Students may pursue either the RN to BSN or the RN to BSN/MSN Nurse Executive option.
Online nursing classes for the RN to BSN may be completed in three semesters after the completion of lower division requirements.
RN to BSN/MSN Nurse Executive
RN students who have demonstrated academic and clinical excellence may also complete the BSN jointly with a MSN Nurse Executive concentration. RN to BSN/MSN students may apply for promotion to the upper division for Summer admission only.
The Plan of Study for both programs is found in the UA Undergraduate Catalog.
Apply for RN to BSN
Admission is a two-step process. The first step is to apply for admission to The University of Alabama and declare “Nursing, RN to BSN” as the major on the application.
The second step is to apply to the Capstone College of Nursing upon completion of the prerequisites (lower division) coursework. Students must submit a departmental application for promotion before enrolling in online nursing (upper division) coursework.
Step One:
Admission to The University of Alabama starts the process of becoming an RN to BSN student. The application for admission is available at Please read the following instructions before creating the application. If you previously completed coursework at UA please contact us for the readmission instructions.
Students may have completed lower division courses at another institution. College transcripts should be officially emailed from other institutions to or mailed to UA Office of Records, Box 870134, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.
To meet UA graduation requirements, students must earn 30 credit hours through instruction offered by UA. This includes the required 25 BSN credit hours offered by UA for the RN to BSN program. Your advisor can assist you in identifying five additional UA credit hours that will meet this requirement.
Step Two:
Upon completion of lower division prerequisites, RN to BSN students may apply for promotion to the upper division for Spring, Summer or Fall admission. The upper division application link will be sent directly from the department a few weeks before the deadline.
If the application deadline has passed, please contact Andrea Foster or Sanitria Armistad. We accept late applications if seats are available in the class.
Following promotion to the upper division, students are required to submit to a drug screen and background check which must be renewed annually. Costs for background check and drug screen are billed directly to the student by a third party vendor. Instructions regarding this process will be sent upon promotion to the upper division.
Concurrent Enrollment
After successfully completing two semesters of their ADN program, students may enroll in one BSN course for their third semester. All RN Mobility prerequisites must be complete.
Download a copy of our concurrent enrollment flyer here. Students interested in concurrent enrollment must contact Sanitria Armistad at 205-348-2616 or
ADN Semester
UA Concurrent Nursing Courses
NUR 319 Nursing Informatics
NUR 348 Role Transition in Baccalaureate Nursing
NUR 329 Inquiry for Evidence-Based Practice for RNs
ADN Awarded
NUR 449 Community Health for RNs and NUR 465 Complex Client Systems for RNs
NUR 455 Leadership & Management Roles
BSN Awarded
Per UA policy, academic requirements can change depending on the academic catalog year and/or admittance term.
Scholarships/Financial Aid
Several types of financial assistance are available to RN Mobility students. Students may apply both for merit scholarships and for need-based financial aid.
Merit Scholarships
Merit scholarships are awarded through several sources. The Office of Nursing Student Services administers these scholarships. Applications are made available to students once they have been admitted to the RN Mobility program.
RN Mobility students are also encouraged to apply for scholarship support through the Office of Teaching and Innovation and Digital Education (OTIDE). OTIDE administers many awards that are available only to online students. Additional information is available at
Need-Based Financial Aid
Need-based financial aid is awarded through the Office of Student Financial Aid. This office administers federal and state programs that include both loan and grant assistance.
Students who wish to apply for need-based financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (available at and send their results to The University of Alabama (institution code #001051). This application should be completed as soon after January 1 as is possible.
For more information about Student Financial Aid, visit
Nursing Student Loan
For information on the Department of Health & Human Services Nurse Student Loan, contact Dr. Michelle Cheshire at
Frequently Asked Questions
I am a registered nurse. I would like to pursue a BSN, but I can’t quit my job.
The majority of students work full-time as RN’s while completing our program.
Who is eligible to apply for RN Mobility?
Students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for promotion into the RN to BSN program:
Are your courses available online?
Yes. All required Nursing classes are available online. All core curriculum classes are available online. These courses may be completed at another institution (such as a community college) and transferred into The University of Alabama.
In what states does the The College of Nursing accept applications for admissions?
Click here to view the states in which The College of Nursing currently accepts applications for admission.
May I enroll in Nursing classes before I finish the core curriculum?
As a rule, students are required to complete the entire core curriculum before beginning Nursing coursework. We can, however, allow students to begin the nursing courses with 1-2 outstanding or pending prerequisites with departmental approval.
Am I required to come to campus for any reason?
RN Mobility students are never required to come to campus. However, our RN Mobility students are given the option to walk for graduation.
When can I begin enrollment in the RN Mobility program?
The sequence of Nursing classes begins in Spring, Summer and Fall semesters. You may begin work on core curriculum courses during any semester.
Am I able to transfer the core curriculum into The University of Alabama from a community college?
Yes. RN Mobility students often transfer the core curriculum. Core curriculum must be deemed equivalent by The University of Alabama.
I have been out of school for many years. Will my credits still be recognized?
Yes. Prerequisite course credits do not “expire” with The University of Alabama. Your core coursework will be evaluated in the same way that it would have been evaluated at the time of completion.
For questions about course transferability, contact Andrea Foster, Administrative Assistant II, at 205-348-9873 (direct) or email or Sanitria Armistad, Coordinator of RN Mobility Student Services, at 205-348-6639 or
Will I receive any academic credit for my experience as an RN?
Yes. RN Mobility students receive 40 hours of nursing credit in recognition of their RN licensure.
Will I receive any academic credit for my transfer nursing coursework?
Previous nursing coursework transferred to The University of Alabama is not accepted.
How long does it take to finish my BSN online?
RNs who have completed the entire core curriculum may complete their BSN in one year of online study.
How long does it take to finish my BSN/MSN with a Nurse Executive concentration online?
RNs who have completed the entire core curriculum may complete the BSN/MSN in 7 semesters.
How much does it cost?
Tuition varies based on the number of credit hours per semester. For online classes, there is NO additional charge for out-of-state tuition.
Tuition rates change regularly. For the most updated tuition schedule for online coursework, visit
When do I apply?
Application to the RN Mobility program is a two-step process. Students must first be accepted into The University of Alabama. Students must then apply to the Capstone College of Nursing for promotion into the upper-division of the nursing curriculum.
Interested students should contact:
Andrea Foster, Administrative Assistant II, at 205-348-9873 or email or Sanitria Armistad, Coordinator of RN Mobility Student Services, at 205-348-2616 or