Robin Bartlett

Welcome to the Office of Nursing Research and Translational Science!

The Office of Nursing Research and Translational Science at the Capstone College of Nursing supports all external and internal grant submissions and reports directly to the Dean of Nursing. On this website you will find information on current research projects as well as resources to support and facilitate these activities.

Dr. Robin Bartlett, PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Dean for Research, Professor

Funding Rate for Extramural Proposals
Research Funding Awarded
Active Extramural Fundng

Advancing a Program of Research/Scholarship: September 30, 2024

The Capstone College of Nursing is hosting a research conference to highlight the scholarly work of our students, faculty and clinical partners. This event is also a great opportunity to learn about developing your program of research/scholarship. Registration is free. CEUs available.

Provided Services

  • Develop/support faculty in developing all stages of research, including developing a research trajectory and designing and funding research and service projects
  • Oversee and support grant proposal development and submission
  • Review drafts during preparation and submission of proposals for research, training and program grants
  • Provide support for manuscript preparation and submission for publication
  • Provide faculty, staff and students with current information regarding funding opportunities, priorities, deadlines, and so forth from federal agencies and foundations
  • Ensure resources and information are provided for manuscript writing tools and resources
  • Develop and provide organized professional development activities regarding research and grant development based on identified need
  • Seek opportunities for collaboration with other individuals, departments, colleges or institutions and communities relative to research or grants
  • Provide reports about scholarly accomplishments
  • Support faculty and staff with managing grants and contracts and their budgets
  • Advocate on behalf of faculty and staff with central administration regarding grant and/or research related activity
  • Liaison and administrative support for IRB submission
  • Other activities as needed!

Please contact us with any questions you might have or if there is anything we can help you with to submit your grant application successfully.

Our Team

Robin Bartlett

Dr. Robin Bartlett

Associate Dean for Research

Lauren Calhoun

Lauren Calhoun

College Research Coordinator II

Zoom Office Hours:

M, W, F:


Proposal Development Coordinator

Valerie Trull

Proposal Development Specialist

Lauren Calhoun

Thomas McCoy

Biostatistician, Clinical Professor

Courtney Greene

Courtney Greene

Grant and Contract Assistant

Courtney Greene

Catherine Esbenshade

Graduate Research Assistant

  • Rm 3103
  • M: 8am-1pm; F: 9am-2pm

Odunayo Elijah

Graduate Research Assistant

  • Rm 3103
  • M: 9am-3:30pm; T: 9am-3:30pm; Th: 9am-3:30pm

Isabel Yarbrough

Graduate Research Assistant

  • Rm 3103
  • T: 10am-3pm; W: 10am-3pm

Kelvin Ovabor

Graduate Research Assistant

  • Rm 3103
  • W: 11am-4pm; F: 11am-4pm