Donors Making a Difference at CCN
We at the Capstone College of Nursing are proud to work with our generous donors to create new opportunities for our College. Currently, we are in the midst of The Rising Tide Capital Campaign, a University-wide effort to raise a minimum of $1.5 billion in philanthropic support for strategic priorities over a 10-year period. As we continue toward our goals during the Campaign, we are honored to highlight some of our donors’ stories.
Below, read more about Cathy Watson’s giving journey.
“At some point in our lives, most of us want to give back and help someone else,” said Cathy. “When that time arises in your life, remember what made a difference to you, what impacted you personally, and take that step.”
Tell us a little bit about your scholarship and what motivated/inspired you to create it.
My husband, Joe, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain tumor in 2007. Overall, our family was healthy and we did not have any experience with serious health care issues, but that changed with his diagnosis. Joe was part of a trial study at Duke University, but when the tumor came back, he couldn’t be a part of the study any longer and surgery was not an option. He was treated in Birmingham until he passed away May 30, 2009.
Joe and I met at UA and graduated from the University of Alabama, and I wanted to support the school in a meaningful way.
What does it mean to you, knowing you are making an impact at UA?
Throughout our journey of surgery and treatments, I was inspired by the nurses who were compassionate, caring, informed, and encouraging when needed. I felt that supporting the nursing program would be a perfect way to honor Joe, and hopefully provide a little bit of comfort for someone in the future. As a member of the Capstone College of Nursing Board of Visitors, I get to see first-hand the effort put into the nursing program, and I get to help a student struggling with financial issues.
Creating a scholarship was so much easier than I imagined. I know I am helping someone else, and honoring someone I love.
For more information or to make a gift, contact CCN Senior Associate Director of Development, Anita Hamlett, at ahamlett@ua.edu or 205-348-9876.
To learn more about The Rising Tide Capital Campaign, visit risingtide.ua.edu.
Read other CCN donor stories here: The Woodard Family │Ed and Cathy Rudisill │Cathy Watson │Richard and Donna Urrutia